Spay/Neuter Program

Did you know that there is financial assistance for low-income families to get their pets spayed or neutered to prevent unwanted litters?

If you are receiving government assistance, such as Food Stamps or Medicaid OR if your household income is below 100% of the Federal Poverty Level Guidelines for the number of people in your household, then you are eligible for the North Carolina Spay/neuter program. It only costs $20 to have your pet(s) “fixed”. They must be 6 months or older to be eligible for the voucher. Voucher is only good up to 30 days from printed date.

Please help your local animal shelter euthanize fewer animals by helping to prevent unwanted litters from being born.


Beginning April 1, 2025 spay/neuter vouchers will be $40 per pet in cash only with a limit of 2 pets a year.

Vouchers are on Tuesdays from 9AM-1PM!

NO vouchers are given in the months of March, June, September or December. 

These vouchers are for Scotland County PETS ONLY! If you need assistance with feral cats, please view our TNVR Program page under the Support Us tab.


Step 1: Come to the shelter with your Food Stamp or Medicaid Card, current pay stub, your most recent income tax return, SSDI or DI recent award letter or bank statement showing SSDI or DI deposit, along with a form of ID. (You must be a resident of Scotland County)
Step 2: Fill out the application to get your pet(s) spayed/neutered. Online applications are not final until Step 1 in person confirmation at the shelter.
Step 3: Pay $40 nonrefundable co-pay per pet.
Step 4: Obtain voucher in person to be presented at vet clinic for surgery and make the appointment for the surgery at your earliest opportunity.
You will be responsible for any other vetting and vaccinations that you may request to have done at the vet clinic. The voucher will only cover the costs associated with the surgery for the spay/neuter. Limit of 2 vouchers.


NOTE: If your pet is not current on their rabies vaccination you will have to pay the vet to have that vaccine administered. NC law states that any cat or dog that is 4 months of age or older must have a current rabies vaccination. If you need assistance, we do offer free/ low cost Rabies Clinic Events. Please check our Events & News tab to see when our next clinic will be.

Claws Paws Society Of NC
PDF – 558.2 KB 412 downloads

If you are not a Scotland County resident please contact Claw & Paws Of NC of Rockingham to see if you qualify for assistance.

Did you know you can support other community members to spay/neuter their pets through the DMV?

Click the link below to support SCHS spay/neuter program!