Locally Adopted

One of our most important goals is to provide our animals with happy, permanent homes through local adoptions or rescues. Each prospective owner is required to complete an adoption application before the adoption process can be completed. Our adoption fee is $125 for dogs and $75 for cats. The adoption fee includes the following: spay/neuter, introductory immunizations, including rabies, deworming, flea/heartworm preventative and microchipping.
Please fill out an Adoption Application online for faster service. Complete, click, adopt! You may also come to the shelter during our normal business hours to fill out an application in person.

It's hard spending daily life in a shelter alone. Why not adopt or foster a shelter pet to see if they are a right fit for you or someone like you? They've had a ruff life, so come help show off how cute they can be!

Adopter Updates
“We adopted a wonderful dog from you in 2012. Her name was Callie and she was fostered by a couple who worked for the Scotland county golf course. This afternoon we had to let Callie go to run in the big farm in the sky. We wanted to thank you for helping us find her, and her foster parents for getting her healthy and happy so that she could be part of our family.”

"Chewy is doing great and has brought so much joy to all of my family. He has really been a big help keeping our spirits up after the loss of my wife last September. He has done so much for us as we have for him. He is loved so much by all of us."

"Riley had her first beach trip. We know she was thinking what is that! She loves to cuddle with the kids. We have her registered at Dogtrain on Kerr Ave. I've heard from several people now that the woman there is amazing and the classes are small. We are taking her as a family so we can all learn. Riley is a wonderful additon to our family, thank you!"

"I found Possum on the side of the road August 18 (2021). He weighed less than a pound, very dirty, hungry, and as you would expect very ‘bug” infested. He had a long face with a pink nose and very big ears. I thought he looked like a baby possum, in fact I checked him out to make sure I had not picked up a baby possum. He was rather ugly. My husband and I agreed to foster him. Possum had a very rough few weeks. My husband didn’t think he would survive. But he did and now at 5 months he is over 7 pounds, very curious, very fast, and very playful. My husband who at first said many times “we cannot keep him!” cannot part with him now. We have another cat Laurie whom we adopted about 5 years ago. She and Possum are not the best of friends yet, but we are hoping that Lauries’ sweet disposition will rub off on Possum."

"I just wanted to check in and let you know how great Howie is doing. He has relaxed so much and continues to improve every day! He wags his tail for me and races around the yard when I come home and loves to snuggle on the sofa during tv time. He loves his daily walks where we usually stop to play with his friends on the street. My mom came to town to visit her new grand dog last week too and it was love for both of them. Howie even rolled over so she could rub his belly! She says she's never seen a more beautiful dog! Or so sweet. He is finding his voice finally and barks once in a while after being quiet as a mouse for weeks. He howled last night and the sound shocked us both I think. Thanks for everything."