Adoption Stories
We love hearing from our alumni! We've shared before and after pictures because the transformation is amazing.

Peony came to us one afternoon after we were closed for the day. One of our staff members was coming back into the shelter after driving a long transport and a car pulled up in a hurry, tossed the kitten into her arms and said the kitten's mother had been hit by a car. She was only a few weeks old, too young to stay at the shelter alone overnight, so we contacted the Hughes family. They have been loyal bottle baby kitten fosters for years and of course, they took over her care without hesitation. We didn't know it at the time but Peony would become their latest foster failure! Lee and Bree have fostered countless bottle baby kittens and have ended up adopting a few that burrowed themselves into their hearts. Peony, Binx, Seraphina and even a beautiful pup named Mazie Marie who came into the shelter at only a few weeks old herself have all found a place in the Hughes family.

Peony Before

Riley lived as a stray, hanging out behind Wal-Mart eating whatever she could find. It was a rough life. Fortunately for her, a kind woman fed her everyday, earned her trust and then brought her to our care in the shelter. We gave her medical care, including heartworm treatment, and love until she found the perfect family from Wilmington, NC.

We love hearing from our alumni! We've shared Homer/Howie's before and after pictures because the transformation is amazing

Howie Before

Chewy came into the shelter in May 2021. The shelter staff quickly fell in love with his bold, loverboy personality. He loved to climb up and hug and was also playful. Mr. Bonds and his son came to the shelter looking to adopt and after seeing Chewy, decided he was the one for them.

Mr. & Mrs. Christiansen were past adopters that found this scrawny little guy one day and graciously decided to foster him while he grew and recovered from an injury he had. After a couple of months, they had fallen in love and could not let him go so he became a foster failure and official brother to SCHS alumni Laurie.

Possum Before